To Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the
Cootamundra Uniting Church

1977 – 2017
A brief outline of the happenings in the Cootamundra Uniting Church during the past 40 years. These have been compiled from the Annual Congregation Meetings, Annual Reports from 1986, property sales documentation, and my own recollections.
Researched and compiled by Jim Caskie – June 2017
The much anticipated date of the Union of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational Churches having been announced as Wednesday 22 June 1977, a Service of Holy Communion was held that evening, and the Inauguration Service was held on Sunday 26 June in the Cooper Street Church.
As there were two ministers in settlement at the time of union, regular services were in both churches with the former denominations attending their separate services (morning and evening) as usual. To encourage integration of the two congregations, the Parish Council decided to swap ministers – the former Methodist taking services in the former Presbyterian church and vice versa.
It was soon realised that the new congregation would be unable to support two ministers indefinitely, and the former Presbyterian minister, Rev Arthur Burtenshaw, accepted a call to another parish and was farewelled at the end of December 1977. Rev Neville Guthrey, the former Methodist minister, who had only arrived in 1976, remained until the end of 1982.
From the beginning of 1978, with one minister, morning services were held in the Cooper St church and evening services in the Thompson St church, with the minister remaining in the Thompson St manse. The Cooper St manse was then leased for some years.
Members of the Presbyterian Church in Cootamundra who did not wish to be part of the Union with the other Churches and were able to form a congregation (had to be at least one third of the former congregation) were granted compensation for loss of property and occupancy of the church building for five years. Uniting Church services were held at 10:00am and Presbyterian services at 11:00am. This proved to be an unsatisfactory arrangement with one group arriving before the end of the previous service, and the fact that some of the older Presbyterian folk found it difficult to accept that they did not have ownership of the property any more. Amended service times were arranged and went some way towards alleviating the problem.
Compensation payment of $70,400.00 plus interest, being 33% of the valuation of the church and manse was paid to the Presbyterian Church of NSW in October 1980. The local Presbyterian congregation was able to access these funds to build a new church in Parker St which was opened in November 1983.
Attendances at Uniting Church services (morning and evening) since January 1978, with one minister, averaged 115, with up to 225 at Christmas and Easter. This was partly due to the number of children attending Sunday School during that period. These numbers continued through the 1980s and 1990s, then came a gradual decline due to our older dedicated supporters passing on and the younger generation reluctant to take over responsibilities. Our present numbers average 42 which is well above attendances in neighbouring towns.
Elders of the former Presbyterian Church and Leaders of the former Methodist Church – Thelma Allman, Elaine Cooper, Betty Ingold, Elsie Loiterton, Marj McClintock. Ian Armstrong, Alan Elliott, Don Elliott, Wal Fraser, Don Henley, John Ingold, John McClintock, Bill Miller, Mark McClintock, Frank Playford, Max Rickett, John Rickett, Tom Perkins, Arthur Ward, Arthur Young, were elected to form the new Council of Elders. Nine of this number were to be elected by the Elder’s Council to the Parish Council. Elaine Cooper, Arthur Ward and Don Elliott remain as Elders to the present time.
Parish Executive
At the first Parish meeting, Ian Armstrong was elected Chairman and Don Elliott as Secretary. The original determination was that these positions would be for a maximum of three years. This has obviously been ignored in recent years as the current Parish (now Congregation) secretary has held that position since 1993.
Members of the original Parish Council who are still active members are Don Elliott, Ian Cooper, Arthur Ward. Ken Turner was elected in 1979 and Anne Miller 1981.
In 1999, by decree of the Synod, the “Parish” name was dropped from use and the Council of Elders and the Parish Council combined to become the Church Council.
Groups within the Church
UC Women’s Fellowship – Day and Evening group, Men’s Fellowship, Friendship Club, Couples Club, Bible Study,Youth Fellowship, KUCA Club (during the 1990s)
All of these groups prospered in the early years, but natural attrition and lack of new members caused some to disband. The UCWF groups and the Men’s Fellowship combined in the early 2000s to form the Adult Fellowship. This move was successful for a while, but age and declining numbers caused the Group to go into recess. Although no regular meetings are held, members are involved in charity work, such as sponsorship of a World Vision child and Samaritan’s Purse Christmas boxes and attend Ecumenical activities such as World Day of Prayer.
During the past 40 years five ministers have been in Settlement as well as Rev Arthur Burtenshaw, the former Presbyterian minister who remained for six months – 22 June to 25 December 1977.
Rev Neville Guthrey – 22 June 1977 to 31 December 1982.
Rev Ted Brash – a former Presbyterian minister from New Zealand –
30 January 1983 to 30 July 1989.
During the six month period between ministers, services were conducted by local Lay Preachers and ordained ministers of the Presbytery for Communion services.
Rev Stephen Kennedy – 4 February 1990 to 30 January 1994. Rev Kennedy was granted early termination of settlement for personal reasons.
During this period between ministers, we were fortunate to have two Supply Ministers – Rev Dick Udy from February to April 1994, and Rev Bruce Westbrook May 1994.
Rev Alan Willoughby – 12 June 1994 to 31 July 2001.
Supply for the interim period was provided by Rev Peter Elliott who had retired to Cootamundra and joined our congregation.
Rev Allan Leggett and Rev Leanne Leggett (Deacon) – shared ministry on a 75/25% basis – 28 January 2003 to 31 December 2006.
Midway through Allan and Leanne’s ministry, it became evident that this congregation could no longer afford to finance full time ministry, and Allan was instrumental in setting up the concept of Task Groups for the successful operation of the church without full time Ordained Ministry. The Worship Group consists of three Lay Ministry teams, each of which is responsible for services for one month. Several members have attended training and are qualified to administer the Sacraments. Some also conduct services in neighbouring towns where there is a lack of Lay Preachers. We were fortunate to have Rev Peter Elliott as part of the Ministry Team until his passing in 2011.
This system has now been operating for ten years with remarkable success. We pray that it can continue into the future.
Baptisms and Marriages
Since June 1977, 309 Baptisms and 180 Marriages have been conducted:-
Rev Arthur Burtenshaw – 6
Rev Neville Guthrey – 78 which included 1 at Muttama
Rev Ted Brash – 41 including 2 at Dirnaseer
Rev R W Willoughby – 2
Rev Stephen Kennedy – 46 including 5 at Dirnaseer, 2 also at Dirnaseer by Rev Latu Moimoi from Temora
Rev Dick Udy – 3
Rev Bruce Westbrook – 1
Rev Alan Willoughby – 78 including 2 at Stockinbingal and 1 at Wallendbeen
Rev Peter Elliott – 18 including 2 at Dirnaseer
Rev Allan Leggett – 20 including 1 at Dirnaseer
Lay Presiders since 2007
Ian Armstrong – 7
Earle Phillips – 5 including 2 at Dirnaseer
Ken Turner – 3 including 2 at Dirnaseer
Janet Elliott – 1
Rev Neville Guthrey – 45 (the first Uniting Church wedding was the marriage of Ivan and Joan Blackwell on 1 July 1977)
Rev Ted Brash – 21
Rev John O’Reilly – 3
Rev Stephen Kennedy – 28
Rev Dick Udy – 4
Rev Alan Willoughby – 46
Rev Allan Leggett – 12
Rev Peter Elliott – 13 (not consecutive – between 2001and 2011)
Rev Kelvin Hodge – 3
Rev Colin Bradford – 1
Rev Peter Walker – 1
Rev Neville Cave – 2
Pastor Adrian Single (Young) – 1
Lay Ministry
In 2006, the Cootamundra Congregation adopted the recommendation of the formation of three Task Groups – Worship and Education, Pastoral Care and Finance and Property, to prepare for the operation of the Church without a Minister in Settlement.
As previously mentioned, this format has been operating successfully for ten years.
Original convenors were – Worship and Education- Ian Armstrong, Pastoral Care- Beverley Ingold, Finance and Property- Don Elliott.
The Pastoral Care group had 20 members who were rostered for weekly visits to the Retirement Village and Nursing Home and to elderly church members in their homes. There are currently 11 members who carry out this important work. Beverley remains the Convenor of that group.
The Finance and Property group already existed as the Finance and Property Committee and continued as usual. Ian Cooper was a member of the original committee and still currently an active member. Long time Secretary, Don Elliott resigned from that position this year and his place was taken by Brian Flanagan.
Financially, since 2007, the Church has been in a sound position, with moderate reserves and makes substantial charitable contributions each year. Property maintenance and repairs are financed from rental income from the Manse and Hall.
The Worship and Education group consists of three teams, each conducting Sunday services for one month, which includes monthly services at the Retirement Village and Nursing Home.
Original Team Leaders were Ian Armstrong, Janet Elliott and Earle Phillips. Ian and Earle completed a Sacraments course and were authorised to take Communion Services. Rev Peter Elliott was also available when required.
Allan Grocott and Ian Armstrong, who retired from active preaching duties due to ill health, were recognised at the 36th Anniversary Service for their contributions as Lay Preachers for many years in the Methodist and Uniting Church.
Rev Neville Cave joined the congregation in 2009 and has been a valuable addition to the preaching team.
Present Worship Team Leaders are Janet Elliott, Ken Turner and Vern Armstrong. Team members are John Milnes, Arthur Ward, Geoff Larsen, Anne Miller, Gael Millar, Neville Cave, John Rickett, Bob Noble, Russell Wray, Paul Ballard and Geoff Briant.
Village Churches
As part of the Cootamundra Parish, the villages of Wallendbeen, Stockinbingal, Muttama and Dirnaseer were an important part of the local Uniting Church with enthusiastic and viable congregations. Services were held monthly at each site, conducted by the Minister, before the Cootamundra morning service, or at Dirnaseer in the afternoon. These village churches were Uniting Church property, except at Stockinbingal, where services were held in the St James Anglican Church.
By the mid 1990s there was a gradual decline in attendances at the country services, due mainly to older members retiring and relocating to Cootamundra, or in the case of Dirnaseer, to Temora.
Regular services ceased at Wallendbeen in 2001, Muttama in 2001, although a well attended 100th Anniversary was held in 2003 and Stockinbingal in 2002. Services at Dirnaseer continued until the end of full time Ministry in 2006 but are now provided by the Lay Ministry teams when requested.
Sunday School
Separate Sunday Schools were held in both locations until the end of 1978 when it was decided that from 1 January 1979, Sunday School would commence at 9:00am at Dickson Hall.
Classes in all grades were well attended and received quality instruction from willing and dedicated teachers. Towards the end of the 1990s, numbers were in decline and reluctantly, the decision was made in 2005 to close the Sunday School.
Superintendents during the period – Don Henley, Vern Armstrong, Vicki Frilay, Wynsome Armstrong. Treasurer and Secretary, Don and Joyce Orgill.
Lay Preachers
At the time of Union, there were six accredited Lay Preachers – Ian Armstrong, Ray Armstrong, Don Henley, Mark McClintock, Frank Playford, Arthur Ward. All except Mark came from a Methodist background. From that group, only Arthur Ward is still active at age 90 and takes services as a member of one of the Ministry Teams.
Other accredited Lay Preachers who have been part of our congregation during the 40 years – Allan Grocott, Brian and Eleanor Mowbray, Wendy Frazier, Earle Phillips, John Milnes.
Family Camp
Another church activity during the 1980s and 1990s was the annual Family Camp. These are pictures of the 1982 Camp.

Church Property
At the time of Union, the Uniting Church acquired property from both denominations within the Cootamundra Parish, some of which would be surplus to the requirements of one congregation.
On 29 November 1981, a recommendation by the Parish Council to consolidate all Uniting Church activities at the Thompson Street complex was considered at a Special Congregation Meeting. The recommendation was rejected and at a subsequent meeting held on 7 March 1982, it was decided that the Cooper Street Church and Hall be the centre of all Uniting Church activities.
Property sales during the past 40 years are listed in chronological order:-
- 1979 Old Presbyterian church at Wallendbeen sold to Jacobs family for $1000.00.
- 1980 Former Methodist Church land at Stockinbingal (church building previously destroyed by a storm) sold to Shire Council on behalf of Stockinbingal Advancement Association for $1000.00
- 1984 Thompson St Church and Hall sold to Baptist Church for $90,000.00
- 1986 Former Presbyterian land at Stockinbingal sold to Stockinbingal Bowling Club for $1000.00
- Former Methodist land in Sutton and Mackay Sts sold to G & R Absolon for $26,000.00
- 1988 Cooper St Manse sold and relocated to Deniliquin for $10,000.00
- 1989 Thompson St Manse sold as a private residence for $86,000.00 Sale of the Sutton and Mackay Streets land and the two manses provided finance for a new manse in Cooper St which was opened in 1991 at a cost of $166,500.00.
- 2003 Sale of Wallendbeen church to a private buyer for $27,900.00
- 2010 Sale of Muttama church to a private buyer for $32.000.00
- 2011 Sale of former Presbyterian land at Bethungra to a private buyer for $10,000.00
- 2013 Dirnaseer church transferred to the Dirnaseer Hall Trust for a nominal amount.
Fundraising has been an important and necessary part of the life of the Church, and over the years activities have been many and varied.
In the early years the Annual Spring Fair was the major fundraiser. This event had been part of the life of the Methodist church since 1910. The final Spring Fair was held in 1992.
A cattle raising project was initiated by John Ingold which involved investing in store cattle, which were raised by various local farmers, and sold when ready and the market favourable.
Summer Progressive Dinners and Winter Luncheons replaced the Spring Fair as a major fundraiser. These continued until a monster Garage Sale was held in 1996 and this event has been held every two years since that time. It would be fair to say that these sales have become legendary and the proceeds given to community and charitable causes.
Catering has been a constant source of fundraising, both large and small functions, such as debutante balls, VIEW Club luncheons, TAFE Graduations, clearing sales, annual church dinners, weddings and birthday celebrations etc. Street stalls were also held for some years.
In latter years, catering has been confined to smaller functions within the church and refreshments after funerals.
We are indebted to the ladies of the congregation who cook and donate the food and freely give their time for this important part of church life.

This Church has been fortunate by having a choir in some form during the past 40 years. At the time of union, the Methodists had a choir conducted by Tresna Ward and the Presbyterians had a junior choir conducted by Betsy Elliott (Manwaring). When services were consolidated an adult choir was formed under Betsy’s direction. The choir practised on Friday evenings and presented an item each Sunday. Special Christmas presentations were usually part of an evening service. Annual Choir Festivals were held at different locations throughout the Presbytery.
Betsy retired in 1994 and Carolyn Willoughby took over as choir leader. During this period the choir was more of a singing group than a formal choir and presented items on special occasions rather than at regular services.
When Alan and Carolyn left in 2001 the singing group continued to perform on special occasions, particularly the men’s group which was in demand to sing at the various church events.

In 2010, Marj Cave, an accomplished choir leader and musician who had recently joined our congregation, volunteered to re-form the choir. This offer was enthusiastically accepted.
The first presentation “A Pleasant Sunday Evening” was in October and another on 19 December with a Christmas theme. As well as the special Christmas and Easter presentations, the choir leads Sunday worship at least once during the year and sings at special services such as Anniversaries and recently has been invited to entertain at the Nursing Home and share the Easter story.
The choir also performed two concerts in Dickson Hall which were well received.
Some ladies from other denominations have joined with us because of their love of singing and have proved to be an asset, particularly in the alto section.
A highlight of this year’s calendar was being invited to Boorowa to join with other choirs at a fundraising event.
Marj has also organised Special Ladies’ Coffee Mornings and special Christmas events such as the “Bethlehem Walk”.
We thank Marj for her dedication, talent, enthusiasm and patience during the past seven years.

The regular, long serving organists of the Presbyterians, Marj McClintock, and Methodists, Hazel Punnett, carried on in their respective churches until consolidation of services in one location. Hazel decided to retire from organ duties and Marj continued with morning and evening services as well as the country services until her retirement in 1990, which ended more than 50 years of dedicated service.
Four organists were then appointed at Cootamundra – Margot Matthews, Margaret Melmoth, Audrey Ward and Jim Caskie. Jenny Guthrey also joined the team between 1996 and 2001 and her musical talents proved to be beneficial to our worship services. This format proved to be beneficial, both for the musicians, as the commitment was for one Sunday in four (or at certain periods, one in five), and provided variety for the congregation.
Organists at the country centres were – Stockinbingal, Janet Minehan – Wallendbeen, Dulcie Noble – Muttama, Margaret Melmoth – Dirnaseer, Jim Caskie.
Regular services ceased at Wallendbeen, Stockinbingal, and Muttama by 2002 and Dirnaseer in 2007.
Margot Matthews retired in 2000, Jenny Guthrey left the district in 2001, Margaret Melmoth retired in 2007 and Audrey Ward in 2014 owing to failing eyesight.
Jim Caskie remains the current organist with assistance from Marj Cave when available.

Every member of the Cootamundra Uniting Church congregation has made a contribution during the past 40 years, whether large or small, and it would be an impossible task to name each individually. Persons who have been connected with particular groups and have accepted leadership roles are mentioned in the pages of this publication.
However, special mention must be made of those who made an outstanding contribution to this church during the entire 40 years:-
Arthur Ward, who at age 90 must be our oldest active member. He is an accredited Lay Preacher, was part of the original Parish council and still serves on the current Church Council. For many years he was a Presbytery and Synod representative of this church, an active member of the Men’s Fellowship and later the Adult Fellowship. He is also one of the male members of the Pastoral Care team.
Don Elliott, another of our more senior members, has been heavily involved in the organisation of the church since the beginning – original Parish Secretary, member of the Parish Council and still a member of the Church Council, member of the Finance and Property Committee since the beginning and Secretary for more than 30 years. He was Parish Treasurer for some years and a delegate to Presbytery. He was also a valued choir member until last year. Don is the other male member of the Pastoral Care team.
Ian Armstrong, the first Parish Chairman, had many leadership roles during his career – accredited Lay Preacher, Parish Council Chairman on several occasions, Chairman of the Finance and Property Committee until 2006, Convenor of the Worship and Education Task group until 2014 when he retired from active participation due to ill health.
Ken and Dianne Turner have been involved in all facets of the church since the beginning. Ken was elected to the Parish Council in 1979 and served as Treasurer for 19 years. He was also leader of the Youth Fellowship for some years and a member of the Finance and Property Committee which he has chaired since 2006. He is also an accomplished preacher, an accredited Sacraments provider, a Team Leader of the Worship Task Group and has conducted many funerals in recent times.
Dianne was elected as Parish Council Secretary in 1990 and still holds that position which now involves being the Uniting Church representative at Ministers’ Fellowship monthly meetings. She was also a Sunday School teacher for many years.
Margaret Melmoth was church cleaner for 30 years, until 2012, catering convenor since the mid 1980s, except for a short break, when the duties were carried out by Dulcie Noble and Wendy Rickett. She has been a member of the Church Council since 1993, serves on the Property Committee, and is the Hall Booking Officer, which proves to be quite challenging at times.
Joyce Orgill has exhibited a huge commitment to the work of the church. Any church activity taking place, Joyce is there. She was a keen member of the Women’s Fellowship (later Adult Fellowship) and held every office in that organisation. With husband Don, she was involved with the Sunday School for many years as well as teaching Scripture in the schools, which she still continues to do. She contributes to most catering functions and her cooking prowess is well known, as the prizes at the Annual Show will attest. She has been a member of the Church Council since 2007.
Anne Miller was elected to the Parish council in 1981 and has made herself available for re-election to the present time, served as Parish secretary for a term, and has been a keen member of the Women’s Fellowship where she held the various leadership roles in that organisation. Since 2007 she has been a member of the Worship Task Group and as well as being an accomplished preacher, has qualified as a Lay Presider and is this church’s representative at Presbytery. She is also part of the Pastoral Care Group, in particular, visits our sick folk in hospital.
Ian Cooper – a member of the original Property Committee and Treasurer from 1977 and through the 1980s, which was the period of rationalisation of church property and building the new manse. Utilities, such as rates, electricity, insurance etc were the responsibility of the Property Treasurer, until 2007, when it became the responsibility of the Church Treasurer. Ian is still a valuable member of the Property Committee.
Parish (Congregational) Chairpersons
Ian Armstrong, 1977 – 80, Frank Playford, 1981 – 83, Rev Ted Brash, 1984 – 89, Brian Mowbray, 1990 – 92, Wendy Frazier, 1993 – 95, Don Henley, 1996 – 99, Allan Grocott, 2000 – 03. Beverley Ingold, 2004 – 17.
Presbytery Chairman
Rev Alan Willoughby, 1997 – 99. ———– Paul Ballard, 2015 – 17
P S – This article would not have been published without the effort Jim Caskie put into researching our past records. Jim has been an outstanding member of our congregation throughout the years, being the main force behind the maintenance of our properties, as well as efficiently carrying out the duties of Treasurer for the past 11 years. He has also been one of our organists since 1990, playing for church services, funerals and choir presentations. The congregation appreciates the important contribution Jim makes to our Church.
Dianne Turner, Church Council Secretary June 2017