Messy Church

On Palm Sunday 25 March 2021 our worship service was lead by Rev Keith Robinson and his wife Roz Robinson in our first “Messy Church”.

We have in the past had what I would call a traditional worship service. This was our first experience of a very different worship service.  I found it very interesting and enjoyable.  The big change was being involved in an activity (Making up “Show” bags).

This was a time of thinking about the symbolism of what went into the show bags and a time to discuss within our small groups our thoughts about what the contents symbolised and a time to get to know more about the people we worship with each Sunday.

Yes we sang Hymns (the first time in about a year), had time to pray, Bible readings and a sermon.

The following are some pictures of the “Mesey Church”

OK. This is different!

The makings of the show bags.

Yes we had palm fronds, just like the Bible story