Come and join us for Sunday worship
service 9:30 am in the church
Dickson Hall.
Holy Communion is usually celebrated
on the second Sunday of the month.
Cootamundra Uniting Church is a part the Eastern Region of the Riverina Presbytery which is a part of the NSW ACT Synod of the Uniting Church of Australia.
The Riverina Presbytery covers a large geographic area and has recently been subdivided into regions.
The Eastern Region is a grouping of 7 Churches who work together under the leadership and guidance of an Ordained Minister of the word. Rev Keith Robinson was inducted into the position of Eastern Region Presbyter in early November 2018.
We are fortunate to have a number of Lay Worship Leaders. Our worship leaders come from many different backgrounds and lead us in worship on Sunday mornings. A small number of worship leaders are authorised to preside at sacraments. The sacraments in the Uniting Church of Australia are Holy Communion and the Sacraments of Baptism. Usually one of these people take the service on the second Sunday of the month.
Both our church and hall are equipped with hearing loops for the benefit of people with hearing aids.